zaterdag 10 oktober 2009
vrijdag 9 oktober 2009
Cat Names
A couple of people have asked me about my Ragdoll Emily, what breed she is, how old she is and why I picked her name.
Well it's actually a perfect mix between two television shows that I love and have been a fan of since the very beginning.
Emily is the "daughter" of Dana Scully of the X-Files where Mulder had a cute affection for.
And it's also the name of one of the bubbliest actresses I know; Emily Procter of CSI Miami.
Calaquendi Dolls is the Cattery she came from and well the name is known by the Sci-Fi Lord of the Rings fans lol
Emily was born on the 26th of Juin 2008, exactly a month before me =), which makes her almost 1,5 years old. Ragdolls grow until they're 4 years. She's 4,5 kilos going to 4,6 which makes her a heavy typical Ragdoll female due to her father being real big ^_^
She's a blue point bi-color which means that her color is blue. Blue is lighter than Seal but darker than Lilac. The bi-color marks; inverted white V on her face, white belly, paws and legs. The points are the ears, around the V, tail and back and they are blue.
If you're interested in being a Ragdoll servant you should Google it! That's how I came to love the Ragdoll. They're easy-going, follow you everywhere, you can keep them on an apartment, they're housebroken from the start, know how to use the scratchpoles, they're not destructive by nature but very careful and sweet.
They have a soft meow and are not that talkative, their coat only needs combing about once a week and you can easily bathe them. You can learn them tricks as they are known to be the dogs under cats. Emily fetches a toy, she walks on a leash, she knows a few commands like; sit, go inside, no, food, outside say please, mailbox and knows when she does something wrong. She doesn't object against being in her carrier or sitting in a car for long periods.
Vets are not a problem either and they adapt so easily! She's been to my parents, on trains, on busses, near busy streets in my carrier bag, in shops. She's okay with it.
Though I have been showing her and she made it to Triple Grand Champion Alter, I had to quit as she didn't like it anymore. And to me it's for fun so if it's no fun for her then there's no point in putting her through something she doesn't want to do. I know she could've been a Supreme but I'm very very proud that she made it to Triple.
Her dad's Supreme Grand Champion and Best Seal Point Ragdoll of the World 2009: Ragmagic Iman Ewok of Calaquendi, a gorgeous and famous Ragdoll. I'm really really grateful I'm having one of his last daughters.
Her mom's S*Pocahontas Dayita of Calaquendi and a Seal Bi-Color Point.
One of her brothers (she was the only girl in the group) Calaquendi Dolls Aryan Beryl also made it to Triple Grand Champion and I have such a soft spot for him. He's the sweetest most laid-back cat you'll ever meet lol and he's so big!
And yes I am getting another Ragdoll. A boy this time and he should arrive next year around February/March. Though I'm still not sure about the name because you can register under a certain name but their calling name can be totally different.
I was thinking of registering him as Flufyluf Jack O'Neill. But then again I'm not sure if the cattery I'm getting him from let's me pick his name.
I have so many names to pick from. Emily was actually quite easy but for a boy, I don't know.
I like:
Lisimba: it's an Egyptian name meaning Lion
Seti: one of the most famous Pharaohs
Ramses: same here
Tiva: reference to Tony and Ziva from NCIS
That's about it at the moment xD
Check them out at: Calaquendi Dolls and Flufyluf
Paws and Purrs
And for Jessy because she asked/nagged ;) :p, here's a photoshow of how Emily colored over the last year =)
Quote of the Day: Thousands of years ago, cats were worshipped as gods, cats have never forgotten this.
Who are these people???
What's wrong with the world?
I was waiting for my bus to arrive, preferably on time but it's Belgium so fat chance of that happening, and as I was yet again waiting for the damn bus to arrive, I found myself a witness to a verbal fight between two elder men because dude A parked in dude's B spot.
For anyone who doesn't know where I live. You cannot park your car...period. There's way too many people and way too many cars and dumping your car in the middle of the street is still illegal. And there's this asshole...cop...whatever...details...that lives in my street and just looooves to walk down the street and fill out fines.
So anyway I was still waiting for my bus and these men were yelling and pushing each other and then the other called the cops but then finally my bus arrived so don't what happened afterwards but when I came back both the cars were gone *shrugs*
So my bus which only has a one bus per hour service...yeah Belgium remember, during the dark ages frikkin horses and cariages were passing by every 30 minuts...2009 one bus an hour....
If you're lucky.
My bus driver decides that he had waited long enough for a driver to move his car out of the way, and seeming that the honking didn't quite help and rolling down his window and yelling didn't really help, he groaned, grumbled, got red in the face, scratched his head, grabbed his steering wheel and pressed his lovely foot on the gas. Whoops. 3 seconds later we were innocently scratching the men's car to get through.
Note to self: don't piss off bus drivers.
Another note to self: actually write that down 'cause you'll forget
I arrive, thank Jezus, half an hour late to my labor union where the guy kept me waiting at his desk. I was standing for a full minute, portraying what probably looked like a very pissed off, annoyed brunette about to take hostages.
Finally, without a word, he turns to me and says; yeah?
So I explain and two minuts later I'm standing outside after getting the biggest; no fucking way are you crazy but thank you for the money, on my way back to the bus.
Yes the one that just passed me two minuts ago and now I have to wait a full hour before the next one arrives. Now seriously thinking about taking those damn hostages, I wander about Ekeren, doing some sightseeing by 2 degrees Celsius, freezing my ass off, sniffing nose and I hear my heart throbbing in my ears, I keep on smiling and wiggle my cold bum on a bench and wait for the bus.
Then in comes this man, sitting down next to me and of course a conversation ensues:
Man: I don't think I've seen you around.
Me: Well I'm not from Ekeren.
Man: So where are you from?
Me: Not from Ekeren.
Man: Oh okay, I understand. I must sound really creepy asking you where you live.
Me: *thinking: WHERE IS THAT GODDAMN BUS*. Not a question I get everyday.
Man: Me neither. I love Ekeren, you sound like you're from around here.
Me: *sees bus in the far distance* *thinking: oh yeah come to momma, FAST* I spend some years around here.
Man: Yeah me too. I was born in Deurne but moved here with my parents and-
*bus arrives*
Me: *jumps up, the man stays behind, I give a quick nodd to say goodbye* Goodmorning.
Busdriver: *doesn't give a shit and sighs*
Me: *sarcastically to herself* Yeah goodmorning to you to.
Busdriver: *starts cussing about a car standing still in the middle of the road*
Yes, who are these people???
Life's too short people to be pushing each other's buttons.
Quote of the Day: What no save point??? Oh man! That a bucket of tics. - Vash
donderdag 8 oktober 2009
Random personal note: I hate ticking clocks. Because to me it’s a slow reminder that life is ticking away. There’s one life, one to make it good. And the only thing we can really choose; is if we’re living that as a bad person or a good one.
Small intro for a genius.
Hideo Kojima is the creator of the Metal Gear Solid series on Playstation. And in those games it’s all about questioning life, the reason behind living and questions about fear and fear of dying. About love, relationships and fearing love. Of losing people that you love. To me he dares to ask questions no one dares to speak out loud but the same ones I want to find the answers to.
So let’s talk about Metal Gear Solid shall we ^_^ there's huge life lessons in it.

So we have this lone wolf as a character; Solid Snake. Fighting and surviving is all he knows but love is not part of that. He questions the motive of life, questioning living. And then he hears he's got about a few months to live. How do you handle that? What is life?
And then there's the young man he saves; Otacon aka Hal Emmerich. He's the one that's a genius, not into fighting, afraid of it and questioning love and the reasons of love. He falls in love with Sniper Wolf; their enemy. A sniper out to kill them and yet how can he fall in love with her? Can you feel love and hate for a person? But she gets shot; her dying wish. He loses his love.
Then later on in Metal Gear Solid 4, he falls in love again with Naomi; a spy and eventually a traitor but in a strange good way; she had to. He stops wearing his glasses because she things it makes him more handsome. He tries to be another person for her but in the end she commits suicide (because she's forced to) (yes he's the male version of the Black Widow) and puts his glasses back on. Being who he really it should. Later on he loses the only person he loves and that's his sister; Emma. Otacon? How do you survive when you lose so many people you deeply love? Can you still believe in love?

It's quite intriguing their different stories and everybody knows Metal Gear Solid has the longest ass cut-scenes there is on the planet!!! I mean some of them are like 10 full minutes! Can you imagine that lol. Biters, I love them =)
We've talked about Sniper Wolf and even the bad guys have their own background stories that shows us the stupidity of mankind.

Then we have Crying Wolf who was born in Africa in a chaotic war zone. The rival faction slaughtered her parents and siblings, leaving her a refugee. She ran with her only surviving baby brother. One day they came across an enemy unit and they had to hide in an abandoned shack. Wolf's baby brother started crying. Knowing they would die if the soldiers heard his cries, she wrapped her hand as tight as she could around his mouth.

She arrived at a refugee camp but the cries of the children tormented her day and night and soon she envisioned a wolf answering her sorrowful screams and watched as he made his way around camp to silence the children forever. This was in reality, a hallucination created by her damaged mind. In reality there was no wolf, she was murdering the children herself.
There is a sad life lesson in this one.
Continuing onto Laughing Octopus, she was born in a small Scandinavian sea-side village where the primary meat consumption was octopus. A cult nearby saw this as a Devil's act and one night attacked the village. However, instead of executing Laughing Octopus, they forced her to participate in the torture of her family and friends, making her enjoy it all the while by making her laugh. The incident left her emotionally scared and prone to fits of laughter, especially during battle.
Yet again, another lesson.
Last but certainly not least; Screaming Mantis. She was born in a war torn village in South Africa. When she was just a child, her village was attacked and burned to the ground. In order to survive, she escaped and hid in a basement, which she would soon discover was actually a makeshift torture chamber. However, because of the constant military activity outside, she had to stay down there to survive. She got locked in. The constant screams of tortured villagers haunted her every day and night. After weeks locked in the cellar, keeping herself hydrated by drinking the dirty, bloody water that had pooled up on the floor, she began to hallucinate.
She saw a single black praying mantis, who would teach her how to block her ears from the screams. She learned from the mantis that to survive, she would have to eat the corpses that littered the floor.
This is just a few of the storylines but it's so amazing. I have much appreciation for the game and a huge respect for Hideo. If ya can, buy MGS4. It's so worthed!
And the end of Metal Gear Solid is my:
Quote of the Day: You mustn't allow yourself to be chained to fate, to be ruled by your genes. Human beings can choose the kind of life that they want to live. What's important is that you choose life...and then live.
Relating to Linkin Park and Breaking Benjamin
Some of their lyrics I find personally fitting and where a lot of people can relate to =)
Memories consume
Like opening the wound
I'm picking me apart again
Clutching my cure
I tightly lock the door
I try to catch my breath again
I am a little bit of loneliness
I can't help the fact that everyone can see these scars
So I let go
I do what I can but sometimes it don't make sense
Time is a valuable thing
And I will never feel
Anything else until my wounds are healed
So I let go
- Linkin Park
The one song that I'm in love with from Breaking Benjamin (thank you Resident Evil) is "You". It has two meanings, which one you prefer depends on your own point of view of life.
My hands are broken
And time is going on and on
It goes forever
So I got high and lived all that life that I've taken for granted
Promise me you'll try
To leave it all behind
'Cause I've elected Hell
Lying to myself
Why have I gone blind?
Live another life.
The only way out
Is letting your guard down
And never die forgotten
Forgive me, my love
I stand here all alone
And I can see the bottom
You, You, You
- Breaking Benjamin
-Made by ChrisxJill_Love all credit to her =)
And speaking of Resident Evil, there's another song that's Chris/Jill centered that is really kick-ass and great to run with. Literally lol.
I've been defeated and brought down
Dropped to my knees when hope ran out
The time has come to change my ways
On this day I see clearly everything has come to life
A bitter place and a broken dream
And we'll leave it all, leave it all behind
I'll never long for what might have been
Regret won't waste my life again
I won't look back
I'll fight to remain
On this day it's so real to me
Everything has come to life
Another chance to chase a dream
Another chance to feel
Chance to feel alive
- Alter Bridge
My hands are broken
And time is going on and on
It goes forever
So I got high and lived all that life that I've taken for granted
Promise me you'll try
To leave it all behind
'Cause I've elected Hell
Lying to myself
Why have I gone blind?
Live another life.
The only way out
Is letting your guard down
And never die forgotten
Forgive me, my love
I stand here all alone
And I can see the bottom
You, You, You
- Breaking Benjamin
-Made by ChrisxJill_Love all credit to her =)
And speaking of Resident Evil, there's another song that's Chris/Jill centered that is really kick-ass and great to run with. Literally lol.
I've been defeated and brought down
Dropped to my knees when hope ran out
The time has come to change my ways
On this day I see clearly everything has come to life
A bitter place and a broken dream
And we'll leave it all, leave it all behind
I'll never long for what might have been
Regret won't waste my life again
I won't look back
I'll fight to remain
On this day it's so real to me
Everything has come to life
Another chance to chase a dream
Another chance to feel
Chance to feel alive
- Alter Bridge
In the Middle of My Thoughts
It's 03u26 and I just came back from a run through the park. Weird how they don't close that off *shrugs* probably kept open for those wandering lone souls like me :)
I used to run a lot, through the forest where my parents live. It eases my mind and calms me down. Don't you love the feeling when you've been running or doing a sport and you're so exhausted because you pushed yourself to the limit and you shower and then you walk around naked and fall onto the bed? I love that feeling of utter ZEN.
For those with troubled minds; you should try it. I find it quite refreshing. Well maybe not follow suite and start running in the middle of the night but I've been graveyardshifting the last couple of weeks anyway so I might as well. Less people around, it's quieter that way.
So why the staying up during the night and sleeping during half of the day? Well most of my friends, which are practically family to me, live in the US. And that's a 6 hour difference between us and I've been spending a lot of time talking to them and gaming with them online because I felt I didn't do that in a long time (my ex-partner being a cause).
Sometimes in your life you just have to stop and start thinking about what you're doing with your life and make choices. I've always done that in my life and a few weeks ago I found myself on that crossroad again. I quit my job and turned my life upside down. Quite literaly actually.
Though the plans I had, I'll have to push to the back of my mind as it's not financially possible so I'm back to job-hunting and that's kinda worrying so that's why I went for a run.
I should do that more, makes me feel all relaxed and calm. There aren't a lot of times where I'm speechless but standing in the soft rain, out of breath and looking up into the dark night and seeing the moon...leaves me speechless. I love it.
During my runs I always listen to music that keeps me running ya know. Not necessarily a beat but a song with a meaning. Something you could scream to, something to let out all the up pent emotions. And Linkin Park and Breaking Benjamin do the trick. I've used their songs for as long as I can remember.
I have to get up early but I can't seem to sleep yet again xD but that's okay. I'll wrap my mind around some fanfiction and there's this music video I've been wanting to make about two of my fav gaming characters.
OH! Talking of games. I finished Mirror's Edge!!! Love the style, love the ZEN music, didn't pay attention to the storyline (which is odd for me) and I was quite glad I finished it. It's so special and new but it takes away a lot of the fun if you have to do certain checkpoints over and over again.
I know it's a trail and error game but when I checked the Internet and saw that a lot of people , even the veterans, get stuck on the same parts as me then I'm thinking they screwed up on that. But nevertheless, the game is worth to play just to see the graphics and its new gameplay. Will I buy Mirror's Edge 2? Probably not. But it was worth playing =)
Quote of the Day: It's easy to forget what a sin is in the middle of a battlefield. - Solid Snake
woensdag 7 oktober 2009
Uncharted: Drake's Fortune...or is it?
I just finished Uncharted: Drake's Fortune!!! During the night I might add. It's 6u14...morning that is. o_O But more on my night-shift thingie later.
And actually gotten all the Trophies I wanted to get *iz thrilled* Wohoo! LOL
Yes, Uncharted go and buy it. In my opinion, it's one of the best games Playstation 3 has to offer. This was my second run-through and it still surprises me how fluently the gameplay is and how good the graphics are and of course the humor in the game.
Funny thing is, I've been watching a lot of trailers of Uncharted 2, which will be released next Friday and so Elena returns (I so hope they'll keep Nate and her paired up) and another mystery woman.
Her name's Chloe and I was like: I know that voice! Where do I recognize that voice from?!
Half an hour later, it was driving me crazy and I went looking for a video and guess who motion-pictures and voices Chloe?
Claudia Black!
Yes, the infamous Miz Vala from Stargate SG-1 or also known by a selective Sci-Fi fans as Aeryn from Farscape =)
That woman's got some serious balls LOL
Anyhoo, there's also an Uncharted Movie in the make. I really really hope they pick Nolan as the actor. He's the one motion-picturing and voicing Nathan Drake. And if they want a bigger name then they should hire either Joe Flanigan, or Matthew Fox if he grows his hair so its a lovely we-want-to-run-our-hands-through-it.
Couple of hours ago someone asked me if I could pick 3 characters out of any game that would come to live, who would I want to date?
I immediately had 3 names in my head LOL
So the good-looking-they're-hot-as-hell characters I'd pick are Nathan Drake (of course, I mean come on, he's good-looking, a charmer, a gentleman and has a sense of humor), Chris Redfield (just because he's so buff, handsome, boyish yet manly and a gentleman) and Carlos Oliviera (because he's got that sexy southern accent, he's a charmer, good-looking, tanned)
Erm. Yeah.
*gets mop, starts cleaning drool*
Wow that was some serious side-tracking xD
Uncharted, dah I love that game. And it's humor!
Elena Fisher: Nate, please be careful...
Nathan Drake: [chuckles] Aren't I always?
[bangs head on low celing]
Nathan Drake: OWWW! I did NOT see that coming!
Quote of the Day: Failure is merely an opportunity to start all over again with more experience.
It gives ya the giggles =)
Speaking of BMW and humor. There's probably not a lot of you who know about the feud between BMW and Audi. It's actually quite funny and commercial wise? Genius.
Just look at the pictures below and smile at the story and utter genius marketing XD
Just look at the pictures below and smile at the story and utter genius marketing XD
Score 1 Bmw
Score 1 Audi
Bmw Wins
Auf Wiedersehen BMW F1

I'm so excited to read that Kubica will be joining RenaultF1 when this season is over. I truly believe that man has talent. Just like Montoya has. I kinda relate to Montoya. Not that I have talent in the F1 because I don't even drive a bike let alone a car but he was so talented and he loved what he did and then people wanted to change him.
And he was like: I am who I am and if you guys want to change me? So long, farewell, auf wiedersehen...goodbye. Off he went to Nascar and kept showing his talent, sucked for the F1 and its bosses because Montoya knew how to play a crowd, how to keep the race entertaining.
Kubica is that other person that I'll keep my eye on in the F1. He brings it to the table and also takes risks. So yeah, hopefully he kicks some ass in his new Renault.
Alright back to my homage to BMW F1 with some pictures to remember the good old days before it is: goodnight BMW.
It all started with WilliamsF1. Its engine powered by BMW, it made quite a good start and left a powerful impression. Maybe finally a team arrived to compete with Ferrari? Together with McLaren Mercedes they took on the job to rattle Ferrari's cages, to yank their chains. And they did.
One other thing that kept them on top of the F1 news was their specific humor, their take on situations inside the F1. After having way too many F1 noses up their royal behinds, this was their reaction:
This year:

BMW wanted to have their own team, they had the competing engine and wanted the competing chassis. Taking on Sauber was not a good idea. They jumped off the cliff but their wings didn't open; they kept on falling and sometimes the wind picked them up in their downfall but it wasn't meant to be.
BMW I seriously hope you get the people together to actually have your own team.
BMW you will be truly missed, hope to see you again in a couple of years =)
Quote of the Day by Nick Heidfeld: "I was ahead of front.... He should look where he goes. Maybe we try to find a brain for him."
dinsdag 6 oktober 2009
Jill Valentine Contribution: To a kick-ass character!
Phew this video took ages to complete! Not because of the editting but because of YouTube being a whiner and a royal pain in the ass. It got rejected about two times. But I beat the System and cheated LOL. A girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do *snicker*.
Anyway, enjoy the video about one of my favorite characters; Jill Valentine. The game-version of her that is.
The video only uploads here in half so you gotta click the fullscreen button. Thankies! Enjoooooooooooy.
Quote of the Day: Even if a pawn becomes a queen, it is still just a playing piece...
Anyway, enjoy the video about one of my favorite characters; Jill Valentine. The game-version of her that is.
The video only uploads here in half so you gotta click the fullscreen button. Thankies! Enjoooooooooooy.
Quote of the Day: Even if a pawn becomes a queen, it is still just a playing piece...
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