People have been telling me I should start my own blog. Me being a 25 year old woman with apparently way too many male hormones. I love games, F1, watching a good game of soccer, cars, Sci-Fi, horror and technology.
On the other hand I write romantic stories and a few of them are smut *cough* erotic *cough* and I've fallen in love with Egypt. I'm also a Shipper for a few wonderful shows.
So these will probably be the topics I'll be rambling, musing, wondering about :)
And well…I’m not a blog-thingie-person. So let’s give it a shot, not that I’m expecting people to actually read this LOL.
Nice way of getting things out of my system though. Beats annoying my neighbors by me jumping up and down on some nasty bad-ass loud bass tune….
Nah. I might keep doing that though. Hey, they have screaming kids, and dogs, and chainsaws and lawnmowers and loud banging noises that go bump in the night. (this is where some of my close friends come in and sarcastically point out that I don’t have the “means” to go bump in the night).
Actually…Mr. Purple is my new best friend *snortgiggle*
Okay so 3 hours of sleep last night. I’m one of those people that can actually function with 3 hours of sleep. Go figure. Yesterday I finished Resident Evil 5 on my PS3. It’s bomb! I mean; I’m in love with it. You should go out and buy it. I know that there is a fanbase out there that wants to take the CAPCOM TPTB hostage and evil plans of releasing 50 of those Blonde Jill badass characters onto them is somewhere in the works but honestly I really really like it.
For those that don’t know me; I’m a gamer. I waste my life away gaming but in a good healthy way. Yes there is a good and healthy way found in gaming. And I’m not even gonna discuss with people that are gonna say that games create murderers. Na-uh. They don’t create murderers, at the most; they just give them ideas. That’s my intake in it and I’m sticking to that.
Why I bring this up? I worked in a gaming store and had to defend myself being a girl and having a deep interest in technology and I don’t know why but every time people start to discuss with me about the relation between mass murderers and games. It’s not like I watch a porn that I feel the need to…okay bad example. It’s not like when I’m chopping off heads that I feel the need to run outside with an axe and go all Resident Evil.
Who are these people? Games are fun and they’re good and I love it.
Oh yes, my PS3 is my shiny sparkly friend. The Holy Grail. Also known as Thor. Don’t ask, long story.
So erm yeah. 3 hours of sleep. The new episode of CSI Miami aired in the US. Which I stayed up late for…like 03u00. I won’t spoil people and although I don’t feel all *squee* about the episode, I am looking forward to the next one.
Q: What is your favorite kiss?
Richard Dean Anderson: The next one!
Ah, I adore that man. MacGyver, MacGimmick, MacUseless… *cracks up*
Sorry inside joke. For those Stargate fans reading this: weren’t those the good times ;-)
Wait I’m getting sidetracked. Yes, I get sidetracked a lot. You’ll notice that LOL
There it was 03u00 on the laptop clock, in that right corner SCREAMING at me to get some sleep. Just as I feel my brain go all cotton on me…my fire alarm goes off because well duh the batteries died.
There I was in the middle of the night, cursing like a sailor, trying to get the bleeping batteries out of the bleeping smoke detector while it WAILED and it went on and on.
Murphy’s law; when you have a smoke detector with a loud screaming wailing sound…the batteries will die in the middle of the night waking up your neighbours.
Ah, hell. Payback’s a bitch and best served cold. And very cold it was *grin*
On that note I bid you goodnight…though….my PS3 is waving me over.
Oh and I don’t take myself too seriously so don’t worry if madness and craziness slips in from time to time :p
Captain’s Log Stardate 291546…end log.
Gah, I’ve always wanted to say that. XD
Quote of the Day: Anyone who says sunshine brings happiness has never danced in the rain.
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