Phew, been awhile now since I updated. See, I told ya I'm not good in keeping up with these blogs.
So I've had an appointment with my local labor-union to see what I need to do to get money for starting my new project. (nothing big but it'll at least be my income for the next couple of years...hopefully) And I spend walking around for almost and hour to actually find the damn office! O_o Finally I get in, tell my story and the man says I need to wait for my financial plan to be given a green light and that can take up to two weeks. I'm getting a little bit nervous now but I like it! It's good, my gut is telling me it'll turn out okay.

Well maybe not white but you get the idea.
Then my parents came to pick me up and a couple of hours later I was at Calaquendi Dolls' Mady.
Mady is the person where I brought my Emily from, she breeds Ragdolls and creates a wonderful home.
She's also one of the nicest persons I have met in my life. And that's rare to find these days.
She had so many little kittens running and crawling around, it was ridiculous! There were kittens the size of my hand; so little and funny. I can't post pictures because I respect Mady's privacy but I can tell ya they were cute as a button! Me and my mom spend like over an hour petting them and talking to Mady and my dad had stayed in the car telling us not to be gone for too long because we ordered take-out LOL
That man does not know how much my mom and me love cats. Well he does so that's why he started up his TV in the car and when we actually got back he was sleeping in the car LOL Bless him.
We ordered food from a new restaurant; Toscana in Wuustwezel and it was delicious! If anyone lives near Wuustwezel; go and try it.
Later that evening my mom spend her time watching my NCIS dvd box and me and my dad went upstairs (they have a "gaming room" with a huge projector screen and surround set-up) to play Resident Evil 5.
Yes, I'm STILL talking about that game. It rocks my socks off! Suddenly my mom comes upstairs telling us she's going to sleep and my dad's like: what time is it then? And it was well passed 02u00 and we started at 21u45 LOL. Good gaming eats your precious time =)
Needless to say he only has three levels to do to finish the game and then my baby's back at my place to start some online gaming. Don't know how I'll be doing that (co-op, mercenaries or two-player mode) but I'll let ya know :D
Also spend the next day (yesterday) gettting frustrated with my dad's Network Router (firmware updates my ass). After two hours of trying I chucked his router out and installed his old one (we replaced it because the PS3 lost his connection way too many times but I'm thinking with the new updates from Playstation that'll be solved) and that seems to be doing the trick.
If there's one thing about PC's that does my head in then it's networks and routers. I hate it. Whenever someone has a problem with that, I know I'll spend the next few hours getting frustrated.
So erm stepping of my nagging soap-box, I spend most of the previous night (was it only a few hours ago...damn. Need sleep man!) tweaking a new Resident Evil video for someone I believe is a gaming genius. But more on that later.
Now I'm gonna spend a few hours watching the F1 which could get spectacular as it's a streetrace and there's a chance it'll rain XD Go BMW! Go! *snort*
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