zondag 20 december 2009

Shippy Novel Review: Valhalla

I strongly encourage you when you like the shippy bits to go out and buy the book!

'She' is always Sam and 'he' is always Jack unless stated otherwise by me.

Disclaimer: Stargate SG-1 and its characters are the property of MGM, World Gekko Corp, Double Secret Productions and Showtime.

Shippy Novel Review: Do No Harm

I strongly encourage you when you like the shippy bits to go out and buy the book!

'She' is always Sam and 'he' is always Jack unless stated otherwise by me.

Disclaimer: Stargate SG-1 and its characters are the property of MGM, World Gekko Corp, Double Secret Productions and Showtime.

Shippy Novel Review: Relativity

I strongly encourage you when you like the shippy bits to go out and buy the book!

'She' is always Sam and 'he' is always Jack unless stated otherwise by me.

Disclaimer: Stargate SG-1 and its characters are the property of MGM, World Gekko Corp, Double Secret Productions and Showtime.

Shippy Novel Review: Roswell

I strongly encourage you when you like the shippy bits to go out and buy the book!

'She' is always Sam and 'he' is always Jack unless stated otherwise by me.

Disclaimer: Stargate SG-1 and its characters are the property of MGM, World Gekko Corp, Double Secret Productions and Showtime.

Shippy Novel Review: Alliances

I strongly encourage you when you like the shippy bits to go out and buy the book!

'She' is always Sam and 'he' is always Jack unless stated otherwise by me.

Disclaimer: Stargate SG-1 and its characters are the property of MGM, World Gekko Corp, Double Secret Productions and Showtime.

Shippy Novel Review: City of the Gods

I strongly encourage you when you like the shippy bits to go out and buy the book!

'She' is always Sam and 'he' is always Jack unless stated otherwise by me.
Disclaimer: Stargate SG-1 and its characters are the property of MGM, World Gekko Corp, Double Secret Productions and Showtime.

Shippy Novel Review: The Cost of Honor

I strongly encourage you when you like the shippy bits to go out and buy the book!

'She' is always Sam and 'he' is always Jack unless stated otherwise by me.
Disclaimer: Stargate SG-1 and its characters are the property of MGM, World Gekko Corp, Double Secret Productions and Showtime.

Shippy Novel Review: A Matter of Honor

I strongly encourage you when you like the shippy bits to go out and buy the book!

'She' is always Sam and 'he' is always Jack unless stated otherwise by me.

Disclaimer: Stargate SG-1 and its characters are the property of MGM, World Gekko Corp, Double Secret Productions and Showtime.

Shippy Novel Review: Sacrifice Moon

I strongly encourage you when you like the shippy bits to go out and buy the book!

'She' is always Sam and 'he' is always Jack unless stated otherwise by me.

Disclaimer: Stargate SG-1 and its characters are the property of MGM, World Gekko Corp, Double Secret Productions and Showtime.

Novel Sacrifice Moon written by Julie Fortune

*** "Captain?" he asked, never taking his eyes off of the danger. Couldn't be too careful, at moments like these.

Captain Samantha Carter, whose brainiac tendencies he was only beginning to fully appreciate, didn't take the hint to move down the serving line.

*** He kept it light, but he couldn't honestly tell if Sam Carter was one of those stick-up-her-butt officers who disapproved of gambling, along with dancing and drinking and smiling in public. Good to get it out in the open if she was. He could deal with it, but he wanted a little warning.

She looked at him for a few seconds, then said, without a flicker of her blank expression, "Twenty bucks says Daniel will be here in less than two minutes."

"Oh, I don't want to take your money, Captain," He gave her an evil smile. Hers was nearly a match.

"Well, I'd like to take yours. Two minutes." She tapped her watch.

He held up a hand. "Captain Cater, tell me: am I going to care about what you're about to say?"
She looked thrown, but only for a second. He was used to Daniel, who just kept talking. Nice to know his second in command actually listened.

He (Daniel) had an arm full of books. "Am I late?" he asked breathlessly.

Carter should not look that smug.

*** "Good. Let's keep it that way." Jack flicked the memo across the table with a fingernail toward Carter, who fielded it and put it in her own folder. "Captain, as my second in command, you're the keeper of the paperwork. And, next time a little pre-mission briefing, okay?"

"Absolutely, Colonel."

Was that a smile? Nah. Couldn't be.

*** Jack landed flat on his back, staring up at a really bright white sun, and heard Daniel sneeze, hard, two times.

A black shadow occluded the sun, and Carter reached down and hauled him to his feet-

*** Jack held up a hand. "So, no, then. Captain Carter?"


"Stay alert." Like she hadn't been already. She gave him a brief, warm smile.

"Yes sir."

*** He tried putting his full weight on his ankle and couldn't control a full-body flinch at the immediate wave of protest. The ankle folded.

"Sir?" Carter was immediately at his side. "How bad is it?"

"I'm fine, Carter." He shook off her support-

*** "Never been better. Captain? How are your first aid skills?"

"Depends on if it's sprained, broken or needs amputation, sir." Not that Carter looked to be any prize herself in the health sweepstakes; he kept sweeping her with looks, trying to see where the blood on her face had come from. No visible wounds. She crouched at his side with the kit and manipulated his ankle with ruthless disregard for the sound of protest he made.

*** Jack motioned for Carter to help him up.

*** "Sir?" Carter asked. She hadn't moved, hadn't taken her focus off of Daniel's six. Iron concentration. Jack approved.

*** Carter kept hovering behind him, clearly worried-

*** "Country Captain Chicken. Apart from the obvious jokes, that just doesn't seem very appetizing," She held it out to Daniel, who shook his head. "I'll save it for the Colonel. He'll probably get a kick out of it..."

She made it half a question. Daniel saw her looking toward O'Neill, but Jack's chin was down on his chest-

*** He (Daniel) shrugged and fiddled with th MRE, pulled the heating tab and waited for the entree to cook. "He respects you. He may not seem like it sometimes, but believe me, Jack's good at reading people. If he let you on the team then he trusts you."

"Nice to know." Her smile was sudden and genuine.

*** Colonel O'Neill was a tall, strong man, and he filled a room, no doubt about it, and when she stood next to him she felt included, as if his strength attached itself to hers and multiplied it.

*** Jack's dream washed over him again, thick and slow, heavy with dread. Disturbing. Kind of like watching those two (Daniel and Sam) so close together, dusty brown head bent close to dusty blonde one, examining the results of Daniel's target practice. Unconsciously in each other's personal space. Well, you wanted to see them bond. Yeah, just not in a predatory wolf-pack kind of way. If that was what it was.

"I hate this place," Jack said, and shoved himself back to his feet. "Yo. Carter. Let me do that."

*** "Who in their right mind doesn't like flying?" Jack asked, with a quirk of his eyebrows.

"Army, Navy, and Marines, sir."

"And there's the reason they're not on my team, Captain. I believe I did qualify it with right mind." She gave him the smile, then. The uncomplicated approval of it eased some of the tension that had accumulated in his guts.

*** Carter on the other hand...all the sensitivity, none of Jack's hardening. He knew she was tough, or he wouldn't have picked her for the team, but she hadn't been tested the way Daniel had, or Teal'c. It took special hardness to make it through something like this without breaking.

And now she was whimpering in her sleep again, making sounds of real distress.

Jack left his post and shuffled over to her, wincing at the strain in his still-sore ankle, and put a hand on her shoulder and shook gently. "Captain," he whispered. "Captain Carter."

She came awake with a galvanic shudder, straight up, and he saw the shine of sweat on her flushed face. She also came up with her combat knife in her hand. Jack threw himself back instinctively, before his brain even reported the flash of movement, and felt the tip of the knife dig into his tac vest a second before ripping free in a diagonal line.

"Captain!" he barked, and grabbed her arm. He twisted, hard, felt her fighting him but adrenaline and training, not to mention superior upper body strength, won out. She dropped the knife with a metallic klang and spun up to a fighting crouch. "Captain Carter!"

Everybody woke up. Teal'c came to his feet, but didn't abandon his post. It took long sweaty, skin-crawling seconds before the sanity crept into those wide eyes, and finally Carter swallowed hard and whispered, "Colonel?"

"What's left of him," he said in disgust, and looked down at his vest. Another inch, and he'd be picking up his guts with both hands. "Any particular reason you want to field-dress me, Carter?"

She sucked in a deep, shaking breath. "Sorry, sir. I was-"

"Dreaming, yeah, got that." He engaged her eyes and held them. "You okay?"

*** "Turn around, Captain," he said, and made a twirling motion when she didn't respond. She did, unwillingly, and turned her head to try to catch sight of what he was doing. "Nothing personal, Carter." He moved her hair off her neck and looked first at the unbroken skin - no stealth invasion by Goa'uld, at least - and then at the silvery mesh of the collar. It was seamless. He probed at it with his fingers, looking for some kind of catch, then had her turn to face him again.

This close, it was impossible not to feel some discomfort. He compensated by focusing hard on the objective-

*** "Sir!" Carter yelled. He ignored the screaming protest of his ankle and surged to a run, hearing Teal'c boots pounding behind, and slid feet-first into cover next to Carter. He had the MP5 up and searching targets in seconds. He felt a tug at his waist and knew Carter had drawn his handgun, but he was past arguing about that.

*** "Sir," she said, alarmed, and he felt her hands on his back. "Spear. Doesn't look deep, I think the vest stopped it. Hold on." He choked back a groan as she yanked it free and held up a bronzetipped pole with about a quarter inch of red at the tip for his inspection. Her fingers probed the wound with merciless efficiency.

*** He set his teeth and began the limping process. Unexpectedly, he felt an arm under his shoulder, and looked over to see that Carter was taking part of his weight. She avoided looking back at him.

"People will talk," he murmured, and saw her lips quirk, just a little.

*** He could see his death coming. He had to see it coming. Now he would run, and the hunt would begin... He didn't run "Carter," he said raggedly. "Put it down. Don't do this."

She understood him, and felt her muscles trembling with a desire to obey.

She saw someone lunge at his unprotected back. A knife glinted. She instantly shifted aim and fired a rattling burst. O'Neill dropped, rolled, and came up with his own weapon pointed at her.

She couldn't get her breath. She wanted to keep firing, turn her commanding officer into bleeding dead meat, and it took everything in her to toss the MP5 down on the street and sink to her knees, hand locked behind her head in a position of utter surrender. Run, the moonlight urged her. The burning in her turned toxic. Run! The hunt is leaving you behind!

"Can't." She was shaking all over with the pain, the need, the burn. "Help."

He came, limping, and painfully went down on his good knee. "How?"

"Tie me-"

"Need to be able to move. We're not safe, Carter."


"You will." His eyes held hers, merciless and utterly cold. "You will. That's an order."

She wailed inside, wordlessly. The moonlight burned like acid, and her shudders got worse. She felt a small, tortured moan work its way free, and felt her eyes flood again with helpless, raging tears.

Help me.

He was helping her. He wasn't running.

*** "Come," she said, and offered him a hand. He looked at it, then up at her face, and grabbed hold.

They moved pretty fast, with Carter's arm under his shoulders and his draped around her neck; awkward, but effective.

"Rest," he finally said, panting, and Carter stopped to let him slide down to a sitting position on some cracked stone steps.

Carter grabbed him and hauled him back to his feet. "Ah. Right. Moving on," he choked, and felt the world start to unravel at the edges when his weight came down wrong. Carter, either oblivious or not bothered by his moaning, dragged him forward.

*** She looked around, dazed, and blinked at them. "Where-" And then she knew; he saw everything kick in. Fast, his Carter. She climbed out of the sarcophagus, steadied herself, and flashed him an unsteady smile.

"Nice to see you, Captain," he said, straight-faced when all he wanted to do was grin and whoop.

*** Jack scrambled over to where Carter was rolling over to her hands and knees, dazed and bleeding, and helped her up. She wiped her cut lip and grinned. "Off switch," she said, "Made one. C-4."

*** He handed her an MRE. "Country Captain Chicken," he said. "Your favorite."

She managed a wan smile, ate about three mouthfuls and yawned.

*shippy sigh*

woensdag 28 oktober 2009

Feeling Creative xD

I was bored out of my skull on the bus to Antwerp and since we had to stop like six damn times because of road works *sigh*.... Here's one for ya; the shortest distance between two points is under construction. o_O Your Taxeuros at work. *snort*

Where was I? Right so as always my mind started to wander and as I sometimes do when lightning strikes my two braincells; I grab my mobile phone and start to type out a fanfic. I intended it to be like a few lines and to type it out on my laptop but it kinda like started its own life and ran out of my hands. I didn't bother to go and catch it =) I almost missed my busstop LOL. Yes I get - not only sidetracked - but carried away quite easily as well xD

What can I say? I'm a hopeless romantic :)

Less romantic was Antwerp though; people arguing, horns blaring out loud, ambulances passing by, people shouting at each other, a guy shooting up some drugs, two guys coming up to me asking for my phone number, annoying me.

It seems there are a lot of buttons on my shirt today and if ya wear a button, someone's liable to push it. But then again I've never been a zipper kinda girl.

On the bus I entertained myself (read wanted to throw myself under the bus) by listening to a couple sitting in front of me. I won't go into too much detail but let's just say she had gone and tried to see and or taste what was on the other side of the fence. And a small but hushed fight ensued and just before I had to get off the bus I heard her say that her conscience was clear.

I actually snorted out loud. I couldn't help myself. Don't get me wrong, if there's one thing I hate; it's betrayal and I'm very much against affaires and cheating on your partner but she was so not telling the truth. Women can lie better than men and they are no more the wiser.

As a general rule; people who say they have a clear conscience tend to have a bad memory as well. No one's conscience is clear and those that have...have not yet lived. 

Wow this is turning out pensive and dark. *scratches head* Time to soak in a hot bath with lot's of bubbles and candle light =)

Sandpaper kisses
Papercut bliss

Just a girl with featherweight curls
To expose all she knows
You play her like tease

I want the soul of something simple
To take home with me

The world as someplace simple
It's my home you see

Just a girl
A blood red pearl

- Fahrenheit Soundtrack

Quote of the Day: The latest new dance craze is "The Politician". It's two steps forward, one step back and then a sidestep.

dinsdag 27 oktober 2009

Victory! It's mine, all mine! xD

I got my first Platinum Trophy on the Playstation 3!!! Wohoo! Yeeeeeeeeehaaaaaw!

^_^ I iz happy, can you tell =)

Buzz TV Quiz taught me a lot now and I got a Shiny Trophy to prove that.

Actually it's kinda sad knowing how many hours I play games. I waste my life away gaming and never gotten one. Some of them are so damn hard, them creators are crazy but I love them. xD

Don't worry guys, no love lost though as a compensation you can always send me a lifesize Nathan Drake and all's forgotten. Was that too much? Nah. 

The stories and things I'd create and do with him.... *eyes glazing over*

Anyhoo, I'm doing Nate-I mean Uncharted 2 on Hard. Wish me luck on that one LOL

I started Uncharted 2 the night it came out (kudos to Kirdy for getting it for me!!) and fell in love with it. So much I kept on gaming and couldn't put the controller down! Needless to say, I saw the sun rise, heard people leaving for work, even heard the mailman and the garbage guys and finished it in one straight run through after 11 hours.

And if you don't believe that, you can always ask Kirdy. Though he was out cold for a couple of hours. *cough* wimp *cough* :p.

So yes I am that die-hard when it comes to this game. Even finished it the second time in 8 hours while playing it with my dad (meaning me playing and him watching and ogling the graphics). 

Now I'm going for the most trophies I can get out of that sucker. No Platinum as it's rediculously hard on Crushing mode. And me tending to do that game like a baby in a topless bar I'm bound to get my head chopped off before finishing chapter 5.

Meanwhile taking breaks from Uncharted 2, I'm still doing my second run-through of Bioshock and playing Flower when I need a break from the gruesomeness. Flower is a total ZEN game, collecting flowers as the wind carries you. *goes to her happy place*

Quote of the Day: The past is not another life, it's another planet.

woensdag 14 oktober 2009

Feeling Accomplished =)

Phew been struggling through the work and hoping there's like 48 hours in a day and found myself staring at the rising sun, slowly and mercifully stretching out her rays and absorbing everything in her path. 

We call Earth; Mother. But what about the sun? To me the sun has always been a 'she'. Making you smile, feel good and hot. And the moon has always been a 'he'. The moon reasons like a man. He's there to guide you during a dark night, to show you a way out, a path to be taken.

And they go hand in hand. When She goes down, she gives her sanctuary to Him as he smiles and takes it from her. Taking care of it. But he's not always there. Sometimes only half of him is watching us while the other half is watching her. Secretly, hidden behind the dark clouds. Waiting and hoping for that occurrence between them; a solar eclipse. A passionate bonding as He lays himself down on top of Her as it consumes light and darkness. The wind paces itself around them, wrapping them, engulfing their joining for as it lasts nothing else matters to them. And as they part millions are left breathless without word for this joining is Nature's most incredible work.

There is romance in both the sun and the moon. Combined even better. The day could be so hot, then the evening rain cools you down, your hands on your face because you're smiling to run through your hair because you want to feel the rain clashing down on you. Washing away the strains of life. The worries and fears. Then to be embraced at night by the moon's pale light, shining brightly yet tender. As his rays gently strokes your wanting and exhausted body; you feel alive again. Touched by Nature.

Hmm. *scratches head* There's a smile on my face and it fools me because I don't know why. If we all just stop and look around us. Admire what is there for us, what is created for us. If only for those fleeting seconds, I feel so on top of things and yet so small. That is the power of Nature.

*goes to her happy place*

Meanwhile I finished my translationwork *squee*. And am a good half-way through reviewing the fanfics. I've read through 41 and have about 40 to go. *looks at the dishes, the carpet and the laundy* Sigh. This is the moment I start whining about wanting to have magical powers! Powerful, crazy powers *snicker*. I'll just be a good girl and finish those chores first...until I get my hands on my Uncharted 2 copy that is =) 

Quote of the Day: It is a great gift to be loved that much...but also a great burden.

dinsdag 13 oktober 2009

Tempus Fugit

Yes, time flies.

While I'm waiting for a job to come through, I'm doing some stuff I've been planning to do these last few months. More on that later on.

As I wait for Uncharted 2, I re-started Bioshock to get the Trophies I've missed before. There's about 10 and not counting the Brass Balls one because there's no way I'm finishing that game on Hard. I'm one of those gamers that loves her games to be just fun. And there's gamers that like a challenge and play it on hard. 

*fist to chest* 


Uncharted: same thing there. I've done my second run-through now to get all the Trophies I wanted and I did. Again, no I can't play it on Hard or Crushing which is ridiculous. One shot kills ya know. Crazy stuff!

Buzz: Getting there, just don't really like the online-stranger-games but ya know no pain no gain lol

Mirror's Edge and Tomb Raider: have what I want, no way I'm playing those again for the cheer fun of it. No way, I'm really really glad I finished them. Don't get me wrong, I'm a Lara Croft fan but as I've said before, having to do certain checkpoint over and over again does my head in!

And ah yes, Resident Evil 5. Got most of them, am waiting to play it online with a friend so I can get the other trophies =) (depends on who finishes it first *snort* yes David you are that accident prone! :p)

Alright off to some emailing and fanficreviewing! 

Sure, I said, I'll review all the stories, no problem, I said. *facepalm* There's A LOT to read! I have to finish them by tonight but I've also got a report I need to translate. I'm in dire need of a stimulating drink with lots of sugar xD

Quote of the Day: To lovers, a moment can be eternity, eternity can be a tick of a clock.

zondag 11 oktober 2009

True of False?

I got the biggest fattest funny rumor I heard yesterday about F1 (well two hours ago but with all these time differences, who's counting right?)

Apparently it is rumored that McLaren F1 will ditch/kick out/slam-bam-thank-you-ma'am  Mercedes and bring in BMW.

If that happens...I'll have a field day! I'll be rolling over the floor laughing my ass off because ya know me and Mercedes.

*starts laughing hysterically*

Sorry. I can't help myself. I'm okay. I'm fine. Got it all together. *takes a deep breath*

Well, bummer Mercedes. Or should that be Beemer!

*falls to the floor laughing*

zaterdag 10 oktober 2009



vrijdag 9 oktober 2009

Cat Names

A couple of people have asked me about my Ragdoll Emily, what breed she is, how old she is and why I picked her name.

Well it's actually a perfect mix between two television shows that I love and have been a fan of since the very beginning.

Emily is the "daughter" of Dana Scully of the X-Files where Mulder had a cute affection for.
And it's also the name of one of the bubbliest actresses I know; Emily Procter of CSI Miami.

Calaquendi Dolls is the Cattery she came from and well the name is known by the Sci-Fi Lord of the Rings fans lol

Emily was born on the 26th of Juin 2008, exactly a month before me =), which makes her almost 1,5 years old. Ragdolls grow until they're 4 years. She's 4,5 kilos going to 4,6 which makes her a heavy typical Ragdoll female due to her father being real big ^_^

She's a blue point bi-color which means that her color is blue. Blue is lighter than Seal but darker than Lilac. The bi-color marks; inverted white V on her face, white belly, paws and legs. The points are the ears, around the V, tail and back and they are blue.

If you're interested in being a Ragdoll servant you should Google it! That's how I came to love the Ragdoll. They're easy-going, follow you everywhere, you can keep them on an apartment, they're housebroken from the start, know how to use the scratchpoles, they're not destructive by nature but very careful and sweet.

They have a soft meow and are not that talkative, their coat only needs combing about once a week and you can easily bathe them. You can learn them tricks as they are known to be the dogs under cats. Emily fetches a toy, she walks on a leash, she knows a few commands like; sit, go inside, no, food, outside say please, mailbox and knows when she does something wrong. She doesn't object against being in her carrier or sitting in a car for long periods.

Vets are not a problem either and they adapt so easily! She's been to my parents, on trains, on busses, near busy streets in my carrier bag, in shops. She's okay with it.

Though I have been showing her and she made it to Triple Grand Champion Alter, I had to quit as she didn't like it anymore. And to me it's for fun so if it's no fun for her then there's no point in putting her through something she doesn't want to do. I know she could've been a Supreme but I'm very very proud that she made it to Triple.

Her dad's Supreme Grand Champion and Best Seal Point Ragdoll of the World 2009: Ragmagic Iman Ewok of Calaquendi, a gorgeous and famous Ragdoll. I'm really really grateful I'm having one of his last daughters.

Her mom's S*Pocahontas Dayita of Calaquendi and a Seal Bi-Color Point.

One of her brothers (she was the only girl in the group) Calaquendi Dolls Aryan Beryl also made it to Triple Grand Champion and I have such a soft spot for him. He's the sweetest most laid-back cat you'll ever meet lol and he's so big!

And yes I am getting another Ragdoll. A boy this time and he should arrive next year around February/March. Though I'm still not sure about the name because you can register under a certain name but their calling name can be totally different.

I was thinking of registering him as Flufyluf Jack O'Neill. But then again I'm not sure if the cattery I'm getting him from let's me pick his name.

I have so many names to pick from. Emily was actually quite easy but for a boy, I don't know.

I like:

Lisimba: it's an Egyptian name meaning Lion
Seti: one of the most famous Pharaohs
Ramses: same here

Tiva: reference to Tony and Ziva from NCIS

That's about it at the moment xD

Check them out at: Calaquendi Dolls and Flufyluf

Paws and Purrs

And for Jessy because she asked/nagged ;) :p, here's a photoshow of how Emily colored over the last year =)

1 month

2 months

3 months

4 months

5 months

6 months

7 months

8 months

9 months

10 months

11 months

1 year

13 months

14 months

15 months/NOW

Quote of the Day: Thousands of years ago, cats were worshipped as gods, cats have never forgotten this.

Who are these people???

What's wrong with the world? 

I was waiting for my bus to arrive, preferably on time but it's Belgium so fat chance of that happening, and as I was yet again waiting for the damn bus to arrive, I found myself a witness to a verbal fight between two elder men because dude A parked in dude's B spot. 

For anyone who doesn't know where I live. You cannot park your car...period. There's way too many people and way too many cars and dumping your car in the middle of the street is still illegal. And there's this asshole...cop...whatever...details...that lives in my street and just looooves to walk down the street and fill out fines. 

So anyway I was still waiting for my bus and these men were yelling and pushing each other and then the other called the cops but then finally my bus arrived so don't what happened afterwards but when I came back both the cars were gone *shrugs*

So my bus which only has a one bus per hour service...yeah Belgium remember, during the dark ages frikkin horses and cariages were passing by every 30 minuts...2009 one bus an hour....

If you're lucky.

My bus driver decides that he had waited long enough for a driver to move his car out of the way, and seeming that the honking didn't quite help and rolling down his window and yelling didn't really help, he groaned, grumbled, got red in the face, scratched his head, grabbed his steering wheel and pressed his lovely foot on the gas. Whoops. 3 seconds later we were innocently scratching the men's car to get through.

Note to self: don't piss off bus drivers. 
Another note to self: actually write that down 'cause you'll forget

I arrive, thank Jezus, half an hour late to my labor union where the guy kept me waiting at his desk. I was standing for a full minute, portraying what probably looked like a very pissed off, annoyed brunette about to take hostages.

Finally, without a word, he turns to me and says; yeah?

So I explain and two minuts later I'm standing outside after getting the biggest; no fucking way are you crazy but thank you for the money, on my way back to the bus.

Yes the one that just passed me two minuts ago and now I have to wait a full hour before the next one arrives. Now seriously thinking about taking those damn hostages, I wander about Ekeren, doing some sightseeing by 2 degrees Celsius, freezing my ass off, sniffing nose and I hear my heart throbbing in my ears, I keep on smiling and wiggle my cold bum on a bench and wait for the bus.

Then in comes this man, sitting down next to me and of course a conversation ensues:

Man: I don't think I've seen you around.
Me: Well I'm not from Ekeren.
Man: So where are you from?
Me: Not from Ekeren.
Man: Oh okay, I understand. I must sound really creepy asking you where you live.
Me: *thinking: WHERE IS THAT GODDAMN BUS*. Not a question I get everyday.
Man: Me neither. I love Ekeren, you sound like you're from around here.
Me: *sees bus in the far distance* *thinking: oh yeah come to momma, FAST* I spend some years around here.
Man: Yeah me too. I was born in Deurne but moved here with my parents and-
*bus arrives*
Me: *jumps up, the man stays behind, I give a quick nodd to say goodbye* Goodmorning.
Busdriver: *doesn't give a shit and sighs*
Me: *sarcastically to herself* Yeah goodmorning to you to.
Busdriver: *starts cussing about a car standing still in the middle of the road*

Yes, who are these people???

Life's too short people to be pushing each other's buttons.

Quote of the Day: What no save point??? Oh man! That sucks...like a bucket of tics. - Vash 

donderdag 8 oktober 2009


Random personal note: I hate ticking clocks. Because to me it’s a slow reminder that life is ticking away. There’s one life, one to make it good. And the only thing we can really choose; is if we’re living that as a bad person or a good one.

I wonder and overthink too much in my life. That’s my curse.  I’m one of those people that wants to find answers in life, about life and living it. And this is where my appreciation of Hideo Kojima comes in.

Small intro for a genius.

Hideo Kojima is the creator of the Metal Gear Solid series on Playstation. And in those games it’s all about questioning life, the reason behind living and questions about fear and fear of dying. About love, relationships and fearing love. Of losing people that you love. To me he dares to ask questions no one dares to speak out loud but the same ones I want to find the answers to.

So let’s talk about Metal Gear Solid shall we ^_^ there's huge life lessons in it.

I've played the first one about two times when it first came out. And what struck me was the story that wonderfully flowed throughout your character's struggle to survive in Alaska. Yes he saves the girl (and a young man but that's not my point lol) but in the end he doesn't get the girl. Three games later, that girl falls in love with someone else on the battlefield.

So we have this lone wolf as a character; Solid Snake. Fighting and surviving is all he knows but love is not part of that. He questions the motive of life, questioning living. And then he hears he's got about a few months to live. How do you handle that? What is life?

And then there's the young man he saves; Otacon aka Hal Emmerich. He's the one that's a genius, not into fighting, afraid of it and questioning love and the reasons of love. He falls in love with Sniper Wolf; their enemy. A sniper out to kill them and yet how can he fall in love with her? Can you feel love and hate for a person? But she gets shot; her dying wish. He loses his love.

Then later on in Metal Gear Solid 4, he falls in love again with Naomi; a spy and eventually a traitor but in a strange good way; she had to. He stops wearing his glasses because she things it makes him more handsome. He tries to be another person for her but in the end she commits suicide (because she's forced to) (yes he's the male version of the Black Widow) and puts his glasses back on. Being who he really is...as it should. Later on he loses the only person he loves and that's his sister; Emma. Otacon? How do you survive when you lose so many people you deeply love? Can you still believe in love?

Then there's Meryl; seeking love on the battlefield. Can that survive? How do you cope with loving someone if they're in constant danger of getting killed?

It's quite intriguing their different stories and everybody knows Metal Gear Solid has the longest ass cut-scenes there is on the planet!!! I mean some of them are like 10 full minutes! Can you imagine that lol. Biters, I love them =)

We've talked about Sniper Wolf and even the bad guys have their own background stories that shows us the stupidity of mankind.

This is what Sniper Wolf told Snake as she was dying: I was born on the battlefield. Raised on a battlefield. Gunfires, sirens and screams...they were my lullabies. Hunted like dogs, day after day...driven from our ragged shelters.... That...was my life. Each morning, I'd wake up...and find a few more of my family or friends dead beside me. I'd stare to the morning sun...and pray to make it through the day. I watched the stupidity of mankind through the scope of my rifle. I finally understand. I wasn't waiting to kill people, I was waiting for someone to kill me. A man like you. A hero.

Then we have Crying Wolf who was born in Africa in a chaotic war zone. The rival faction slaughtered her parents and siblings, leaving her a refugee. She ran with her only surviving baby brother. One day they came across an enemy unit and they had to hide in an abandoned shack. Wolf's baby brother started crying. Knowing they would die if the soldiers heard his cries, she wrapped her hand as tight as she could around his mouth.

When the soldiers left she realized her brother was no longer crying. Wolf had accidentally smothered her own baby brother. Horrified, she carried her dead brother through the battlefield. Every night she would cry and howl just like her brother did.

She arrived at a refugee camp but the cries of the children tormented her day and night and soon she envisioned a wolf answering her sorrowful screams and watched as he made his way around camp to silence the children forever. This was in reality, a hallucination created by her damaged mind. In reality there was no wolf, she was murdering the children herself.

There is a sad life lesson in this one.

Continuing onto Laughing Octopus, she was born in a small Scandinavian sea-side village where the primary meat consumption was octopus. A cult nearby saw this as a Devil's act and one night attacked the village. However, instead of executing Laughing Octopus, they forced her to participate in the torture of her family and friends, making her enjoy it all the while by making her laugh. The incident left her emotionally scared and prone to fits of laughter, especially during battle.

Yet again, another lesson.

Last but certainly not least; Screaming Mantis. She was born in a war torn village in South Africa. When she was just a child, her village was attacked and burned to the ground. In order to survive, she escaped and hid in a basement, which she would soon discover was actually a makeshift torture chamber. However, because of the constant military activity outside, she had to stay down there to survive. She got locked in. The constant screams of tortured villagers haunted her every day and night. After weeks locked in the cellar, keeping herself hydrated by drinking the dirty, bloody water that had pooled up on the floor, she began to hallucinate. 

She saw a single black praying mantis, who would teach her how to block her ears from the screams. She learned from the mantis that to survive, she would have to eat the corpses that littered the floor.

This is just a few of the storylines but it's so amazing. I have much appreciation for the game and a huge respect for Hideo. If ya can, buy MGS4. It's so worthed!

And the end of Metal Gear Solid is my:

Quote of the Day: You mustn't allow yourself to be chained to fate, to be ruled by your genes. Human beings can choose the kind of life that they want to live. What's important is that you choose life...and then live.