zondag 4 april 2010


So I've played for six hours now. During those six hours I managed to get to the last level of Bioshock, cook dinner, eat and watch an episode of NCIS ^_^

Which brings me back to the subject of Bioshock being way too short. You pay a lot of money for it and you can actually finish it in one day. Don't get me wrong, I love Bioshock, but if you would compare it to Final Fantasy XIII which I'm at 70+ hours - it's not worth the amount of money.

Sure, now the game is a lot cheaper so go out and buy it. Though what I do like better about this one compared to Bioshock 2 is the fact that you can backtrack. Visit all the previous levels and pick things up you might have missed. Or just go hunting for trophies, which I'll be doing when I finish it, so it has a replay value to it.

This is my fourth of fifth - I'm not sure - gameplay so that means a lot. Says a lot about the quality of the game. Not that I'm saying that the games I don't touch are bad per se, just the games in the genres that I play.

Even when I finish this playthrough, the game's gonna stay in my collection. It's got such a great atmosphere, wonderful level designs, amusing and quite interesting characters and a Hollywood-worthy story. One that I've touched upon in one of my previous blogs.

Bioshock 2, I'm not too sure I'll be keeping that one. I might let my dad have a go on it and as soon as he finishes the game, I'll go trophy hunting and will be selling it again. I'm sorry 2K, I love the effort and spirit you put into the game but it doesn't beat its first installment. 

Which is kinda sad. Look at Uncharted. It can be done.

So, finishing Bioshock tomorrow and do some trophy hunting and then I'm back on Final Fantasy XIII do to some more trophy hunting ^_^

Quote of the DayLove is just a chemical, no matter the origin. We give it meaning by choice.

Oh my gawd o_O

After 2 hours and 41 minutes, the update has finally installed himself on my PS3!

Meanwhile I finished my ironing, read the last chapters of my latest book, watched an episode of Flikken Maastricht and cleaned the kitchen. *rolleyes*

Let's see if I can finish this Bioshock playthrough today as it's 16u43 
*rubs fingers and grabs PS3 controller*

Game on!

PS3 Updates and slow Internet connections

Couple of days ago, I re-started Bioshock to get the trophies that I wanted - and could get - to finally put this little baby away.

Lo-behold, I finished playing it in one day, made a proper new (read back-up) save and crushed the end-boss after doing so.

But wait! Instead of auto-saving on the last file, the PS3 saves OVER my back-up file, instantly deleting my whole playthrough.

Needless to say I was pretty damn pissed off.

He could pick from two files but no he HAD to screw up mine.

Not my sparkly black friend that evening.

So, anyway - because I'm such hardheaded and stubborn as hell - I decided to give it yet another, very last, try today. With four back-up saves!

Until I got prompted to update the PS3. Now, I'm over my download limit on my Internet connection until the 7th of April and it automatically goes to a slower connection. 

26 minutes later, it's still at 7%.

If I had the time and money, I'd hunt down my Internet Providers and beat them down with a spoon.

*insert very annoyed, rolling eyes, sighing brunette*

So, meanwhile I'm stuck with ironing until the download finishes. Hopefully sometime today - preferably this afternoon still. 

Oh, has anyone seen the new Resident Evil Afterlife Trailer? Gosh. I'm speechless - and that doesn't happen often - and I don't mean that in a good way. What were they thinking?