maandag 25 januari 2010

It's oh so quiet SHH SHH, it's oh so still.

Ah yes, didn't I state at the beginning of this Blog adventure that I suck at keeping up with these things? Right.

Know thyself. 

I'm taking some time off from work...or is that "former/used to be/glad I resigned work"? *tongue in cheek*

Therefor I'll try and update this blog more during the next couple of days.

My mail (sadly the wrong kind of "male" *snort*) and emails are piling up , I can't even see the dust laying on top of it. It's crazy.

So just now I'm filling out a crossword puzzle to win some trinkets for Emily and next to it is an advertizement and it says: HOT TWINS looking for your phone number for sex and threesomes.

Does it make me a weird person if I'm not that bothered by all?

Can you be too open-minded?

Nah. I don't think so. Just as long as everybody knows their own boundaries, I'm more than fine with it.

Just use the damn boundaries!

*stares at a man walking down her street dressed in a kilt with nothing underneath it*

And it's windy....

*quickly closes curtains and instead stares at Tony*

For those living under a rock; NCISsssssssweeeeeeeet.