woensdag 10 februari 2010


Many of you know that I like my games to be "story-heavy" or at least have a profound meaning. Okay, granted, Uncharted 2 had a fanfic-like story in which the hero is in love with the girl and she almost dies and in the end he finally tells her he loves her and all's well that end's well but there are games out there; like for instance Bioshock that carry a heavy theme, a message to a lot of people out there.

It's a story about power and how we could and would use power. And that the bad guy may not always be the bad guy because there could be someone there even worse.

So whom are you loyal to? How far would we go to let ourselves be ordered around? How far would be go to help or to survive.

And that is what Bioshock wants us to experience. In the game you're a man arriving in an underwater city. A city created by a man sick of goverments and power mongers and he just said: ya know what? Screw you all, I'll just create my own city under water and people can be who they want to be.

He quoted: "I am Andrew Ryan, and I'm here to ask you a question. Is a man not entitled to the sweat of his brow? 'No!' says the man in Washington, 'It belongs to the poor.' 'No!' says the man in the Vatican, 'It belongs to God.' 'No!' says the man in Moscow, 'It belongs to everyone.' I rejected those answers; instead, I chose something different. I chose the impossible. I chose... Rapture, a city where the artist would not fear the censor, where the scientist would not be bound by petty morality, Where the great would not be constrained by the small! And with the sweat of your brow, Rapture can become your city as well."

But of course in the end he had to create rules, punishment and by lacking those he created a city in chaos. People partying all the time, ravishing others, murdering.

The city known as Rapture became a lost city.

From the start there is a man asking you, "would you kindly", to help rescue his wife and kid. Of course you want to because that's a good thing. Right?

Then they seemed to have escaped high up in the city and he asks you "to kindly murder someone to get the key to free them". You do this because the man with the key is just a bad guy. Or is he?

Then you start to realize that you are being used as merely a puppet to execute orders. You murdered people for this man.

And in that man's words: "A man chooses, a slave obeys.", you struggle with your conscious. Did you really choose to help him or did you just obey his orders like a slave?

I think that's a very powerful statement. 

Something that recently happened to me on my previous job; I chose to leave because I refused to be a slave.

That's Bioshock for ya, I'm really curious how Bioshock 2 will turn out to be; gameplay wise and the story of course =)

Game on!

More Blue Moon Awards!!!

This is beyond crazy! I can't stop grinning like an idiot!

Just went for a stroll to get my Bioshock 2 copy-

(through the snow, my whole town was in distress, saw four accidents, 2 cm of snow; no traffic lights, a providor lost his Internet, phone connection, Digital TV, no credit card terminals working, no police because they're on strike...more than 900 km traffic jams throughout Belgium!...*headdesk* You gotta love this country...I have this huge box filled with vanilla candles just in case the electricity goes out and we get stuck in the freakkin' dark ages) 

-and came back to see that I got an email stating three of my fanfics were up for nomination!!!

...must stop using exclamation marks...

I'm so humbled by it, so touched. The three stories that were nominated are:

Hope and Love
Ché Ché
Fulfilled Dreams

Voting starts on March 9th, go vote if you really really like one of the stories, please do check out the other nominations because there are some people up there whom I strongly believe should pick up writing as a profession. There are so many talented people up there!

Thanks a million for the appreciation ^_^

dinsdag 9 februari 2010

Grand Theft Auto IV

Since I'm still pumped by all the adrenaline souring through my body from all the dancing, I don't feel like sleeping...even when it's 04u46 xD

Grand Theft Auto IV might be slightly overrated to some so I was really weary when I started playing this but I found myself drown into the story, the characters, the mood, the gameplay, the Trophies of course and I truly believe it's in the top 10 of best games ever. Series wise of course because I'd have a lot of Final Fantasy's and Resident Evil's in that top 10 =)

The game itself is very well played out, it's a story within a mission. Each character has his own difficulties and missions to complete and you, as Niko, need to help them.

Whether it's stealing high end cars, delivering "packages", driving around with dead bodies, stealing, breaking in, killing mob families, dating their sisters,... the list goes on and that makes the game so playable. It doesn't get boring at all, frustrating yes whenever you have to do a story mission and you keep failing and you can't continue but after some time you find that if you take a deep breath, it's do-able.

The story blew me away. It's a very very strong script, very good voice acting, very believable characters. Some of the conversations had me in fits of laughter. It's pure geniusness, I tell ya.

And in the end, spoilers be warned, he doesn't get the girl. He does save his brother though and I believe that is why it can still be very heartwarming. You can relate to it. His family is so important to him, there's a lesson in it, I'm sure.

I finished it but I still have two trophies I need to do for it to be completed in my book. This is not a game where I can get a Platinum Trophy. o_O

But back to some examples of the quotes in the game. Nico was watching television (yes you can do that in the game) and on one of the shows; it goes something like: and the British came, sure they did they're all gay!

I mean knowing that this game is made by the Brittish...LOL... them Brits like to take the piss out of themselves. Gah. I love them.

Niko Bellic: (when drunk and hailing a cab) Heeeey! Yeeeeeeeeelooooow Car!!!

Which to me is really funny, I have a friend who does the same thing when he's drunk LOL

Vladimir 'Vlad' Glebov: (answering his phone) Hey. Hey, gorgeous, no. I can't talk right now. What are you wearing? Listen, I'll call you back.
[to Niko]
Vladimir 'Vlad' Glebov: Sorry.
Niko Bellic: Who was that?
Vladimir 'Vlad' Glebov: Never you mind.
Niko Bellic: Was it Ivan?
Vladimir 'Vlad' Glebov: Oh, that's funny. You know, for a damn yokel you're a very funny guy.
Niko Bellic: [laughing] Yes. And for an annoying dick, you're really an annoying dick. 

Niko Bellic: [after being insulted by Brian] You're a dick!
Brian Meech: I'm a rich dick, friend. I'm young. I'm rich. And I'm loaded. You know what?
[Takes out $100 and hands it to Niko]
Brian Meech: Have a hundred dollars, on Uncle Sam. Benjamin Motherfucking Franklin. Freedom! [Walks away] This coke is okay!

Dimitri Rascalov: You know, if there is one thing that I have learned, it is that we must obey the rules of the game. We can pick the game, Niko Bellic. But we cannot change the rules.

United Liberty Paper: You think I don't know that? You think I've been sitting around scratching my balls with my head up my ass?
Niko Bellic: I'd be impressed if you had been. 

Well that's it for GTA IV and as my clock reads 05u56, I bid you farewell yet again because I know I'll be having another sleepless night later today as I'm gonna pick up my copy of Bioshock 2!! More on that later ^_^

Insanity: going slighty controlled mad

Insanity; a word with different meanings.

It is known to be a condition; a derangement of the mind.
Or used by the law to state someone who's unsoundness of mind affects their legal responsibility or capacity.
It is also known to be a psychosis. 

Or in my case; someone who's extreme folly, has a foolhardiness but controlled.

Controlled madness.

I just came back from a party; the invitation coming in just two hours before it started but hey sometimes, you just gotta live on the edge and feel stress. 

Nah, I'm kidding. Are you crazy, I don't need two hours to get ready.

It was insane. The party was crazy and wild and did I mention; insane?

There were different kinds of rooms set up; each a theme expressed by emotions. There was a psychedelic crazy happy room with TV's displaying all kinds of happy things and clips.

Then you had a dark room; complete with Vampire themed waiters and black satin couches and gosh...I loved that room. Though I found out I really don't like Bloody Mary's. The cocktail Dracula's Bite was pretty darn good...no seriously...they had a punch set up on the table and it was waving me over. I could not resist it. The bright red and purple color worried me though LOL

And for those wondering; no I don't take drinks from strangers but I pretty much knew everyone that was in that room. Look at it as a very large home party.

It felt that way, my jaw still hurts from all the grinning, smiling and laughing.

Oh and the dancing. How I love dancing. For me it really is an expression of emotions...letting go. Something I don't do easily...like I said; it's controlled madness.

My dancing is a lot more controlled (again that word) because of my bad knee that can dislocate if stretched too far. And because of that I'm not that technically anymore and there were girls there...man...they were good. Very good. I used to be on the stage with them.

Those girls were dancing like cheetahs with fire crackers up their butt and I was the turtle stampeding through peanut butter.

I don't know just goes to show that you need to treasure your body. Your body is your temple.

Anyway as the party was in full swing...and my head...I was in the middle room which had a stage and large dancing space and two bars and loads of big screen TV's and this woman walked into the room; swaying her hips, her head high as she walked like a cat.

She stopped in the middle of the room and everyone turned to look at her and she said, " we are not amused". 

Which is sexy, funny and freaky at the same time. Multipersonality. HELLO? Anyone?

But normally that kind of behavior would rub me the wrong way but I found myself in the center of her attention. I could see and feel she was a Black Heart, just like me.

So she walked up to me, probably knowing who I was (because like I said, I know those people), and looked me up and down, tilted her head to one side and asked: "what are you thinking now?"

And I said, "I feel like I'm being licked and lapped by a cat and her cream."

And she laughed, she actually took the dare and leaned into me and said in my ear, "Saw through my act huh?"

I couldn't help but smile.

I had met my Master. I'm good but I'm not that good.

Those who are dead are not dead
They're just living in my head

And since I fell for that spell
I am living it as well

Time is so short and I'm sure
There must be something more
- 42 by Coldplay

Wohoo I'm nominated for the Blue Moon Awards!!!

*jumps up and down on the couch*

I just got an email saying three (!) of my Stargate Sam and Jack Music Videos are nominated for the Stargate Adult Blue Moon Awards!!!!!!

I'm so excited and so, so, hugely grateful. It's the best "thank you" an artist can get. Some say that their play didn't suck but the audience did but I don't agree. I can honestly say that the Stargate crowd, especially the Sam and Jack fan base, are a joy to be around with. We are such a family, we laugh together and celebrate but when the going get's tough we're all there to help each other. And I've been nominating other people last year but I'm really surprised to have three of them up there. Certainly when knowing that I've been away from the fan base for quite awhile, except for Shipmas that is.

I was so lacking in time because of my previous job, it just felt like getting up, go to work, get back home, take a bath, make dinner, do the laundry, watch something on TV and fall asleep to start all over again. So when I quit that job, I can finally concentrate on things that I should've been doing during the last three months. Therefor my new updates *snort*

Anyhoo, getting sidetracked again, these are my videos if you want to take a peak. Voting for the awards should be starting around March 20, I think. I'll get back to ya when that happens :)

My nominations are:
My Body
So What
Tempus Fugit

*still squee-ing*

maandag 8 februari 2010

A shout out for Vash12349

I have to say there are some people I've met during my life that I consider to be soul mates, really really good friends.

And some of those will always be in my heart and even though I tend to dissapear for awhile that doesn't mean I love them less.

Another important thing in your life are the people that you might never meet but leave a lasting impression on your heart, your mind and your soul.

So here's a shout out for Vash, he's a guy who makes walkthroughs for video games and he does his own commentary as he plays it. Yes it is a recurring theme on my blog ^_^, because he just makes me laugh and snort and giggle out loud even when I'm having a bad day.

Check out his channel at: Vash's Gaming Insanity at its Best

He's done some of, what I consider to be, legendary games like; Dead Space, Uncharted, Resident Evil 2, Resident Evil 5, Metal Gear Solid Series,...

You gotta hear him but these are one of his strongest lines... careful it's got some grownup language.

Here's just a few lines from his new Resident Evil 2 walkthrough on the first and only original Playstation 1 or in his case Playstation X, it just shows what the game and Resident Evil Franchise is all about:

"God those graphics are amazing! I swear like when I first played this game when I was like ten or something like that , I was like: 'this is the shit',  now it looks like shit but you gotta appreciate old school days ya know."

"Now that there is everyone's favorite neighborhood licker, in this game Licker was my favorite, favorite monster. In Resident Evil 5 he became the gayest bastard on the planet."

"Wait. Listen. Are there footsteps? I think there's two on this left side...nope. But there is health! Holler! Thank the Lord for green shit!"

"So this is a puzzle. Not too rough...unless you're retarded or you really suck at puzzles."

"Let's go finish exploring. I like exploring. (on screen Leon bumps into a locked door) Ooorgh, there goes my exploring. Here's the end of my story. Who would've known, my only weakness; locked doors. Nah I'm kidding, I'm the master of unlocking."

"Here's our first key. What we do with it? I fucking forgot."

"The best thing to do here is...run like Hell!"

This ladies and gentlemen is what Resident Evil is all about LOL

Next posts: GTA IV, CSI Miami, NCIS, CSI Las Vegas, Stargate SG-1: Sam and Jack, Moving, Writing Fanfic and loads more.

Seeing as it's 04u39, I bid you farewell before my two braincells freeze on me.

*topples over*

Dragon Cave

Okay okay *throws hands up* I finally let myself be convinced to get a little Dragon Egg from the Dragon Cave.


Blame Jessy, Jess and Tom for this one. Kuddos to them really, because I'm not that easily convinced. Period.

Adopt one today!

And about that Facebook account, nag as you might until my ears melt away or fall off my head: not a chance in Hell! *shudder*