donderdag 24 september 2009

Thank you Capcom!

*iz bouncing all over the place*

Oh my god! As most of you gamers know the Tokyo Game Show is happening right now and I've been crossing my gamy fingers that some fab news would travel to my mailbox today. I mean with all those awesome games coming out, Bioshock 2 and Dead Space 2 to name a few, I thought they'd at least give us some new trailers. But no.

Gimme somethin'!

And they did LOL

It has been officially confirmed that the new Motion Controller for the PS3 will be used for Little Big Planet and Resident Evil 5: Director's Cut!!! Fuck the new Motion Controller, I don't care about that one (not at the moment, not a big fan of the Sixaxis *shrugs*) what's really important is the new RE5!!! 

It'll be here next year in spring. Will I buy it? Heck yeah =)

Now to top things, they give me my imaginary huge big cake with a cherry on top and lot's of whipped cream.

Yesterday (or that be in the middle of the night) I was discussing the fact that RE5 lacked in the story department. I mean Chris and Jill are the founders of Resident Evil.

They're partners, friends maybe more. And after Chris finally got Jill back after he thought she was dead, the only thing he says is if she's okay and he doesn't want to fight the big meanie Wesker and leave her on her own. o_O.

Excuse me?

Not even a hug (some want a kiss but dear sweet boys and girls; it's CAPCOM) or a pat on the shoulder, or some oogling and long gazing, a smile? Nope. Nadda, zip, nothin' at all.


Back to my cherry (the one on the cake...the other is...never mind XD), CAPCOM just Tweeted a message saying that they'll release "new content including Jill and Chris together".

*insert 25 year old jumping up and down and squee-ing her head off*

Finally. Thank you CAPCOM! 

There's talk of a Resident Evil 6 and we're going back to the zombies and the horror. Thank you again *falls to her knees*. 

Can this day get any better? I don't think so.

Well yeah if the annoying ass downstairs would stop drilling holes so I could actually hear what's on the TV, that would make my day perfect. No seriously I can't even hear myself think.

Not a lot of thinking going on with two braincells, I know, but DETAILS!

*iz still excited*

Quote of the day: Everyone is a voyeur, some are better in hiding it than others.

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