donderdag 24 september 2009

What a day XD

Dang, well still playing The Last Guy but we're getting somewhere and in the meantime I'm babysitting. In every essence of that word. Except for the sitting that is...the baby's there though.

She's tiny and cute and quiet. Bless her little heart. Her mom and dad just went to the hospital because they had a small accident in the kitchen. A bottle crashed to the floor and the mom got some glass in her leg, one of it was pretty deep apparently so they went to the ER to fix that.

She'll be okay, she called a few minuts ago to tell me she'll be picking up Ms Cutesypie over here before 23u00 so my good deed of the day is done =)

Am also waiting for the new episode of NCIS. Bring on the TIVA. I have the feeling I'm going to like this one better than the CSI Miami one. Don't know what they are doing over there and Adam leaving the show should not be a factor but it is not the Miami I so love and drool over.

*sigh* Adam you will be missed. Adamlicious. 


Getting sidetracked!

So one of the fine moments of today (except for what I previously posted of course) was a phone conversation (and of all the gadgets that's on that damn phone it's not doing the one thing it should be doing; it ain't dailing anymore o_O, I don't know what's up with that) between me and one of my best friends and we were having a serious conversation, for a change, and she asked me how I kept in touch with myself...........

Me: With or without batteries XD LMAO. 

Well that serious conversation went down the drain. LOL

Friend: Oh and I'm getting that cock I've had my eye on for a while. I'm so excited!
Me: *cracks up laughing*
Friend: The rooster kind, Lena. Jezus what the fuck? *cracks up too*
Me: Yes! From cocks to fuck and mingling in some Jesus. And they say I talk smut.


Whoops gotta go, Cutesypie needs her bottle :)

Oh and for those flagging me for my can easily not read this then. If ya don't like strong words, then stay in the house, don't talk to people and don't watch TV. It'll spoil your Angelic Virgin mind. That said; to each their own. Thank you.

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