donderdag 8 oktober 2009

In the Middle of My Thoughts

It's 03u26 and I just came back from a run through the park. Weird how they don't close that off *shrugs* probably kept open for those wandering lone souls like me :)

I used to run a lot, through the forest where my parents live. It eases my mind and calms me down. Don't you love the feeling when you've been running or doing a sport and you're so exhausted because you pushed yourself to the limit and you shower and then you walk around naked and fall onto the bed? I love that feeling of utter ZEN. 

For those with troubled minds; you should try it. I find it quite refreshing. Well maybe not follow suite and start running in the middle of the night but I've been graveyardshifting the last couple of weeks anyway so I might as well. Less people around, it's quieter that way.

So why the staying up during the night and sleeping during half of the day? Well most of my friends, which are practically family to me, live in the US. And that's a 6 hour difference between us and I've been spending a lot of time talking to them and gaming with them online because I felt I didn't do that in a long time (my ex-partner being a cause).

Sometimes in your life you just have to stop and start thinking about what you're doing with your life and make choices. I've always done that in my life and a few weeks ago I found myself on that crossroad again. I quit my job and turned my life upside down. Quite literaly actually. 

Though the plans I had, I'll have to push to the back of my mind as it's not financially possible so I'm back to job-hunting and that's kinda worrying so that's why I went for a run.

I should do that more, makes me feel all relaxed and calm. There aren't a lot of times where I'm speechless but standing in the soft rain, out of breath and looking up into the dark night and seeing the moon...leaves me speechless. I love it.

During my runs I always listen to music that keeps me running ya know. Not necessarily a beat but a song with a meaning. Something you could scream to, something to let out all the up pent emotions. And Linkin Park and Breaking Benjamin do the trick. I've used their songs for as long as I can remember.

I have to get up early but I can't seem to sleep yet again xD but that's okay. I'll wrap my mind around some fanfiction and there's this music video I've been wanting to make about two of my fav gaming characters.

OH! Talking of games. I finished Mirror's Edge!!! Love the style, love the ZEN music, didn't pay attention to the storyline (which is odd for me) and I was quite glad I finished it. It's so special and new but it takes away a lot of the fun if you have to do certain checkpoints over and over again.

I know it's a trail and error game but when I checked the Internet and saw that a lot of people , even the veterans, get stuck on the same parts as me then I'm thinking they screwed up on that. But nevertheless, the game is worth to play just to see the graphics and its new gameplay. Will I buy Mirror's Edge 2? Probably not. But it was worth playing =)

Quote of the Day: It's easy to forget what a sin is in the middle of a battlefield. - Solid Snake

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